A Safer Way to Tan

 There are many people that feel like a key way to look their best is to have a darker skin tone. If you are one of these people, you have probably spent a lot of your time tanning. When you tan your skin naturally or in a tanning salon, you are doing a lot of untold damage to your skin. Over time you could end up getting wrinkles, or worse. However; when you use sunless lotion to get the skin tone you want, you are going to have a safer way to be tan.

 With sunless lotion all you have to do is rub it into your skin and you will get the color you want. Sunless lotion does this by chemically changing the layer of dead skin we all have. This means that it is not harming your skin, and many of them are going to act as a moisturizer while they are tanning you. When you tan naturally or in a booth, you are blasting your skin with UV rays. Too much exposure to UV rays without protection is the number one cause of melanoma. Sunless lotion is not going to have this side effect. Click here to learn more.

 Another big bonus to using sunless lotion is it can be less expensive and less time consuming. If you use a tanning salon you are going to have to go several times a week, spending money on the tanning session, and spending at least twenty minutes there plus the time it takes to get there and back. With sunless lotion it is as easy as rubbing it into your skin and it lasts a few weeks.

 If you are looking for a safer way to tan, there are many places you can go to buy the sunless lotion you want. When you are at the store you are going to see they come in a large variety of prices. You are going to want to make sure you look for some customer reviews so you get one that will give you the natural look you want. Visit us at http://www.sjoliespraytan.com/product-category/spray-tan-kits/ to find out more.

 When you tan your skin using UV rays, you are doing a lot of harm to yourself that could end up resulting in a melanoma. There is a safer way for you to be the color you want. You should make the switch to sunless lotions for a quick and safe way to have a great looking tan.